I wrote this Manifesto on behalf of a desperately impoverished young mother with two small children I saw living on the street in Buenos Aires, Argentina. They had literally – nothing. Anguished, I wondered, “Where is her family, her community, her mate?”

I wanted to help her, but my Spanish was so broken at the time. I resolved to come back soon with better language skills so I could truly connect with her. When I returned days later, she’d vanished. I felt so sad, like I’d missed my chance to buy her some food or diapers or …something. But she was gone.

She and her kids needed a warm shower, a decent meal, new clothes, a home, medical care and an education. They needed to know that someone cares about them. Most of all, they needed a new chance to create healthy, happy, creative lives.

Hours later, still shaken with their pain branded in my heart, I walked through the international airport terminal on my way home to the US. Immense billboards of perfect looking models screamed for my attention, shouting, “You’re ugly, but you can be sexy and alluring like me! Buy this expensive perfume to remain forever young and beautiful! Hurry!”

The nubile models with flawless skin were about 20, the same age as the young mother in need on the street. (To be utterly truthful, she was in the gutter.) The juxtaposition of such intense extremes gnawed at me. On the plane, I wrote the Real Women Manifesto. It poured out of me in one long stream of indignant heartsick pain, coupled with a commitment to do better.

With this powerful statement, I open my heart, mind and resources to support this mamacita and countless others like them. May we all create the true beauty of heaven on Earth!

~ Ana Holub

Read the Manifesto and find specific ways you can participate in women’s empowerment!

The Real Woman Manifesto

Whereas, I am a living, breathing woman of the world and
Whereas, I have a right to speak my mind and share my heart

I commit to the following:

• I celebrate my true beauty and the true beauty of women and girls around the globe.

• I am full of passion, great ideas, creativity, intelligence and soul wisdom.

• My life is my art.

• My joy comes from sharing the best of who I am with others and the whole of the Earth.

• I am not a mannequin nor a robot.

• There is nothing inherently wrong with my height, width, weight, eyes, skin, body parts, age or size.

• I repudiate the lies offered to me by any society or industry which claims otherwise.

• I refuse to collaborate with those who enrich themselves by encouraging fear in women and girls, and who suggest that we are “not quite right” and need to be “fixed.”

• I release the inner turmoil of believing that I am ugly in any way.

• Instead, I choose to focus on self-love and kindness to others no matter what the situation.

• I commit to telling the truth in an openhearted way.

• Recognizing the waste and greed that go into the women’s travesty industries*, I reject them and reclaim my true beauty.

• I free myself and all women and girls to be ourselves, love ourselves as we are, and delight in ourselves as caring human beings.

• With this freedom, I reorient my priorities in solidarity with women and children in need of food, shelter, education, safety and medical care. I offer the wealth I have to help them, knowing we are all equally beautiful and rich in our essence.

Further thoughts, information and ways you can participate:

1) The women’s travesty industries* are:

Fashion and fashion magazines
The representation of false images of women and girls in the media
Cosmetics and cosmetic surgery
Celebrity worship
Billboards advertising false beauty on every continent

*Yes, some people are doing great work to awaken the world to health and peace within these industries. But an entirely new revolution of heart and mind is needed.

2) Billions of dollars are being wasted while hundreds of millions of our human family go hungry. This is the female equivalent to the military industrial complex. Its greed, suffering and waste deny our heritage of peace and justice on a global scale.

3) To change this scenario, we must change our buying habits and reorient our inner standard of truth and beauty.

Commit to the Real Woman Manifesto! Here’s how:

* Take a few deep breaths and center yourself. Say a prayer or positive intention, sending your love to all women, children, men and the Earth. Include health and joy for everyone.

* Calculate your spending during the last year for all cosmetics, hair-dying, lash-tinting, waxing, wrinkle-removing, age-defying products,etc. etc., and any other procedures (botox, etc.) and any plastic surgery.

* Look at the total, and decide how much of this amount you would like to donate to your favorite charity.

* Make your donation and feel great about being part of the solution. Connect with women, children, men and the Earth who will receive your help.

* Contemplate how you will re-direct your time, energy and resources from now on to support yourself, your true beauty, and those who need your support.

* Send your thoughts to me at info@anaholub.com. Let me know about your donations. I’d love to hear from you!


With love and dedication to Heaven on Earth,
